Improve Your Child’s Arithmetic Abilities


Like any other organ of human body, our brain also needs regular exercise to keep it fit and sharp.
How do we exercise our brain?
Mathematics provides the ideal exercise for our Brain. More time spent with Mathematics would invariably result in a well exercised and sharper brain.
Abacus really helps those children who are really feared of Mathematics. When the children feel that they can solve mathematical operations quicker and accurate, they gain Confidence and start liking Mathematics.

In the Basic Level, children learn to do all the mathematical operations with Abacus. By the time they proceed to the Advanced Level, they will learn to calculate mentally. Once the children master Abacus, they acquire a skill to perform simple to complicated mathematical operations.

Neurologists say,

** We generally use the left part of the brain. But the Right brain is actually very powerful , very imaginative  and creative. It can be used or sharpened whenever we use our Left hand. When Right brain starts working, it taps the hidden potentials of children.

** The brain which is trained with Abacus is just equivalent to the Brain which is under meditation for years.

Build lifelong skills

ABACUS is much more than just developing number skills.

Using Math as a medium and Abacus as a tool, this program will help develop basic cognitive skills and cognitive executive functions of your child.

Cognitive skills are the core skills your brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention.

ABACUS program uses an army of cognitive skill development techniques like


Speed Writing

Flash Cards

Listening Exercises

Basic Exercises etc.

These crucial skills will enable your child to process sensory information and eventually learn to evaluate, analyze, remember, make comparisons and understand cause and effect.

Cognitive Skills Enhanced by UCMAS





Motor Skills

Research on Abacus

Research Validates

Abacus Method of Learning Maths

Associate professor of University of Chicago, Dr. James Stigler, wrote his thesis about abacus study. According to his research 50 children from a non abacus institute of an average IQ were taken against other 50 children from an abacus institute. The memory tests were taken on visual memory scale. And guess what the results has shown –  That the Abacus learners had 200% better memory than the non-abacus learners.

Another study out of Japan’s Shinshu University offers similar evidence. That study showed a number of benefits of the abacus method, including the following:

Numerical Memory – Learning to do maths on an abacus makes it easier for students to memorise rather long numbers. The study demonstrated that nine-digit memorisation was fairly easy for students

Problem-Solving Skills – The abacus method improves problem-solving skills, both in maths and other areas of life. The method teaches children to think through problems logically.

Rapid Calculations – Learning maths with the abacus method equips a student to do rapid calculations without the need for electronic devices or writing instruments. All calculations are performed in the head by visualizing the abacus.

Critical Thinking – The skills learned in the abacus method make students better at critical thinking in other areas of life. They are better able to conceptualise all sorts of challenges. They think through solutions and reach conclusions more easily.

What’s Special @

The KING’s Academy ?

Our Abacus Training Methodology makes a child learn Math by ‘Play & Learn’ method.

Here, at  The KING’s Academy, we  take personalised care for every student to assure improvement  in their Mathematical Performance .

We Also do Attend Every child Personally, so that they groom well in their confidence

Periodically we meet  Parents and  update their wards’  progress.