Hobbies are a great way to relax and unwind after a busy day at work. Drawing and sketching are great hobbies that you can do at any time.

Benefits of Drawing

Sketching and drawing is a great way to improve your creative skills and start thinking in a different way. Art shows you that there is normally more than one way to solve a problem. Art encourages open ended thinking and creativity.

Sketching can even improve your holistic health. As you build your self esteem and confidence through your art and your sketches as you become better and better. You will get a sense of achievement and start feeling proud of your art which you will carry that confidence through to the rest of your life. Having confidence in your work -whatever it is- is an incredibly useful thing to have.

Fine motor skills include any specialized movement of the hands, wrists, and fingers. As an adult, you rely on fine motor skills when you type, drive, or even text. It’s important for your child to develop strong fine motor skills at a young age.

At “ The King’s Academy “, we believe that Art can be created by anyone. Here, Drawing classes are not only meant for ARTISTIC Children, but are designed to reach every child who never thought they could draw.